Bad News Comes in Threes #2

This one is a little more vague because I try to keep people’s personal information off of the blog if I haven’t gotten permission to post it.

My husband’s family has family friends who live down the street from them, and my husband has known this family most of his life.  He grew up with their kids, they’re the family that insisted my mother-in-law get piano lessons for him, and they’re the reason his talent was discovered and he plays piano

They’re all total sweethearts, and their father came to our wedding and filmed it for us.  He made a video of it that I have on CD, and I watch it every year on our anniversary and cry because it makes me so happy.  We have lovely photos of them dancing at our wedding.

When we were trying to get our house, they prayed over us, which was a bit startling but very sweet.

They’ve cleared my in laws sidewalks in the winter when they’re out of town.

He has been nothing but sweet and kind-hearted to us.

This week, he had a stroke.

Last night, he passed away.

My husband is upset, as are my in-laws.  The world lost a truly kind person in him, and we’re the worse for it.

Our sympathies to the family for your loss.  He was a wonderful man.


One thought on “Bad News Comes in Threes #2

  1. So sorry to hear, it’s never easy to lose someone you know but even harder when that person had an impact on major events in your life. My sympathies to your family and theirs. I’m sure the world will feel that lose of an amazing person.

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