Meet Swinger, Our New Grill

Grill named Swinger

We ordered this grill from Home Depot since Andrew was listing so badly and shaking so it was dangerous to cook on him.

Sorry, Andrew.

This is our new grill, who we’re calling Swinger after the brand.  She was a HUGE hassle to assemble, primarily because the top and bottom came nested in each other.

But they hadn’t let the paint dry… so it glued the two pieces together.  It took over an hour, a rubber mallet, wedges, and cursing the air blue to get them apart.

And then the inside of the top piece had lost paint to the outside of the bottom.

Yes, I did contact Home Depot and politely complained.  We also got some grill paint to keep it from rusting.

Swinger has the adjustable rack that I love on my father-in-law’s grill, and we have already tried her out!  (Sounds obscene!)

And after all that aggravation, the first thing I did was Sharpie our names, address, phone on that baby so theft would be less likely.  I redacted that here because, Hello Internet!

What do you think?  We’re hoping she’ll last a long time, and my husband donated his motorcycle cover to her.  The motorcycle is in the garage, so it was okay to use it.

Have you started grilling out for the season?  What’s your favorite food on the grill?  Do you do fancy things like veggies and fish?  Inquiring minds want to know!

3 thoughts on “Meet Swinger, Our New Grill

  1. Congrats on your new addition! RIP Andrew. Even though we are not a grilling family and I am not a fan of lettuce, I always wanted to try grilled romaine and grilled watermelon. Apparently, these are amazing taste sensations. Lemme know if you get crazy and give either of those a try!

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