Grow My Wee Little Plants!

Here’s a garden update!  Almost everything has sprouted, and they’re doing well so far.

Here’s an overview:

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We started lettuce just yesterday, so it’s not up yet.

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We’re experimenting with the onions.  I cut them and used them for fried rice, and I wanted to replant.  My husband thinks they should grow back fine from the stubs.  So there’s one pot with the old ones letting them try to grow and one freshly planted pot:

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One of the onions was short, so I didn’t cut it before – that’s the tall one.

And my tomatoes are growing like crazy!

Take a look:

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They’re so happy!  Now it’s the game of how-soon-is-too-soon to put them out.

Have you started seeds?  How are they going?  What do you intend to plant this year?  Inquiring minds want to know!

2 thoughts on “Grow My Wee Little Plants!

  1. I see you are growing Kaprao basil, one of my favorites for it’s clove scent and interesting leaves! And mountain mint, another favorite. I wish I’d moved some here when I sold the farm because the beneficial wasps, honeybees and butterflies loved it and it was a wonderful, fragrant filler for fresh or dried bouquets and everlasting wreaths. You are going to have a wonderful summer!

    1. This year I’m all about differently scented basil. Last year, I grew 7 different scents of mint, and that was a lot of fun!

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