Changing Those Covers: Rise of the Iliri

If you know me at all, you know that I have a favorite author: Auryn Hadley. You can find her Amazon account here. I follow her on Facebook, and she’s charming and funny, and I got my mom into reading her as well.

She wrote one of my favorite series of all time: Rise of the Iliri, and I loved the covers of these books. However, these covers aren’t really helping her sales – they say ‘aliens’ and ‘sci fi’ when the books are basically military high fantasy (on a different world).

So she’s re-branding her series with new covers.

I had the first three with the old covers. The new covers are abstract – instead of an image of the main character, they have words in their language’s script, which, while pretty, would NOT match what I have.

She did give us a head’s up though, and I bought them all before she could change them over.

Here’s the collection:

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The second book, Instinctual, has the original covers without the slight modifications she did later to make them look better.

But I have them all now! I don’t usually care one way or another about the covers of books, but these were so different that it was bugging me. I also don’t usually buy physical copies of a book when I’ve already read it. But I want her to keep writing SO BAD, so I read as an e-book and then buy a paper copy.

They’re so pretty, I just want to peeeeet them… and please ignore the tomato sauce I got on book one….

What’s your favorite books series? Your favorite author? Inquiring minds want to know!

2 thoughts on “Changing Those Covers: Rise of the Iliri

  1. oh look, they’re on Kindle Unlimited.
    Favorite series? Umm. Iron Druid books by Kevin Hearne? October Daye, Mercy Thompson, oh, and what ever happened to Kitty Norville? I think there’s a new Anita Blake book out too…

    I went to visit my mom for 4th of July weekend at her boyfriend’s cabin, we’ve all been isolating and felt pretty safe, besides canoeing, swimming, and such, I finished A Long Way to a Small Angry Planet, gonna pursue that series when I’ve got a little money again, and I’m on the fourth Veronica Speedwell Mystery right now.

    1. Auryn puts everything on Kindle Unlimited which is a huge help for people. She also releases loooooong novels about every month and a half to two months – writing is her full time job, and she types over twice as fast as I can. Her husband takes care of house things, and she has a squad that help with the publishing aspects and maintaining her FB group when she isn’t available to chat. She also writes in a variety of genres often with an eye to upending the expected. Not a good description, I know, but she looks at a trope from unusual angles which makes her writing fresh and interesting. Plus, the characters USE THEIR WORDS and don’t have stupid conflicts that a ten second conversation would resolve.

      I gush.

      I LOVE the Mercy Thompson Books!!! They’re an automatic pre-order for me in hardback because I loan them to a friend and my brother after I’ve read them and ebooks can only loaned once. 🙂 Ansil is my favorite character. I didn’t like book four with Blackwood so much – the book structure was strange. And the one where the pack is kidnapped was a little strange – I don’t feel she did enough foreshadowing to make it clear it was a vampire problem – that came out of the blue for me. <3

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