Puppy Vet Appointment

We took Tundra in to see the vet this last week, and we had collected some information from the rescue group I'm on as for what options he had. One was an injection that could be given monthly to ease arthritis pain. And when we arrived the vet was excited to tell us a bout … Continue reading Puppy Vet Appointment

I’m Mentioned in this Article!

They found me on reddit on a thread about medications and Mark Cuban's pharmacy - my main psych medication used to be $15,000 out of pocket for a three month supply. The same medication, as a generic, at Mark Cuban's is $39 for a three month supply. Here's the article in question: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-doctor-lowering-drug-prices-for-1-million-patients-with-help-from-mark-cuban-sam-altman-and-martin-shkreli-5e72d77a And for … Continue reading I’m Mentioned in this Article!